The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

28 10 2011

Steven Spielberg’s latest is a very well made, entertaining spectacle. Finally, a movie made by people who know what they’re doing.

“The Adventures of Tintin” stars Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis and Daniel Craig, who portray their characters through motion capture technology that suits Hergé’s, the author of the French comic books of the same name, style perfectly.

The plot is: Tintin, an adventurous Belgian* reporter, is sucked into an adventure across the globe as his journalist instincts kick in to uncover the secret of a ship, the Unicorn, which is said to carry a vast treasure. He is accompanied by Captain Haddock, a drunk man of the sea, but according to legend, the only one who has the power to find the Unicorn’s treasure.

“The Adventures of Tintin,” subtitled “The Secret of the Unicorn,” is a very good movie. It’s quite similar to Spielberg’s other adventures like “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” and though it’s not as good as the Indiana Jones pictures, it’s probably a better film for the audiences of today.

The movie is much more focused and fast paced than Spielberg’s previous films, which were very focused and fast paced already. My only actual complaint with the film is that it’s maybe a little too fast, or a tad “over-directed.” But that’s probably a good thing anyways, not many people want to see an animated movie about a French reporter anyway, let alone a 2-hour and 30-minute one.

This 107-minute adventure is great all-around. The motion capture one of the best I’ve seen so far, the voice work is great, the score is so well composed that we barely notice it, and the action… Oh my.

There is an explanation to all of this goodness: Spielberg. The guy’s a cinematic genius. This year hasn’t, at least so far, produced a lot of good movies. And if a movie was good, Spielberg was involved in it in some way (“Super 8”).

Oh, also, the 3D. Not necessary at all. The only thing it adds is darkness. But if a movie should be made in 3D, this is that kind of movie. I’m glad Spielberg realizes that. I’m a little confused why they did make this in 3D, though. Probably because of the extra bucks.

Anyway, I conclude that “The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn” is a great movie all-around. The score, the technical aspects, the action, oh, and it’s also quite funny. This is how movies should be made. One of the best of the year.

Rating: ★★★½




2 responses

29 10 2011

A BELGIAN reporter

30 10 2011
Karl Kevad

Yeah, sorry about that xD

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